San Antonio CPR Certification Online at Your Pace

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Welcome to SafeNowCPR, the home on online CPR courses, exams and certification. At you'll get the highest quality and experience from end-to-end while becoming certified in CPR. Through our online courses you will receive:

100% Online Training & Certification Experience

Whether you're a San Antonio medical professional looking to become certified or renew through our recertification classes or an San Antonio parent looking to learn CPR to protect your children, family, or loved ones, SafeNowCPR is the #1 online destination to get you going on the path to certification.

100% Online CPR Training in San Antonio

San Antonio residents have access to all SafeNowCPR courses including Adult, Child, and infant CPR. All training materials are included in each student's online dashboard both before taking your exam and indefinitely after your exam has been passed. We do this so that you can always access our courses once you've paid for certification in case you want to brush up on your skills. Additionally, your dashboard is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with NO blackouts.

Nationally Accepted

SafeNowCPR's online CPR courses follow all AHA, ECC, and ILCOR guidelines for CPR and are accepted by most healthcare organizations nationally, including San Antonio. Once you have passed your exam by scoring 85% or better, you will instantly receive your wallet card and full-sized certificate to print and provide to your employer.

No Skills Test Required

At SafeNowCPR you will find that our courses and certification require no skills test from an instructor to qualify for acceptable CPR certification. In some cases, employers will require certification be accompanied by a skills evaluation or even certification required directly by the AHA. In those cases, customers who have already purchased a certification course at SafeNowCPR but have it rejected by their employer will receive our no questions asked money back guarantee.

San Antonio Texas Population Health Assessment

Overall, the state of Texas ranks 31 out of all 52 states. This ranks the state in the top half of all state rankings. There are several strengths that the state has but also several challenges that prevent it from ranking higher. Some of the strengths for the state include a low prevalence of smoking, a low rate of drug deaths, and high immunization of teens. Some things to take note of is that smoking has decreased in the past year by 13 percent in adults. There are only 15.9 percent of adults smoking in the state. Immunization rates have also increased in the past ear to 72.5 percent in the ages of 19 to 35 months. This increased by a total of 12 percent. Additionally, the infant mortality rate has decreased by a total of 38 percent which means 5.8 deaths for every 1,000 live births. One more important statistic to note is that there was a decrease of 11 percent in poor mental health days taken.

There are several weaknesses that the state faces as well including a large amount of inactivity physically, a high percentage of poverty for children, and a low amount of primary care physicians that are available. The physical inactivity is something to be concerned about since obesity among adults is up by 6 percent to 30.9 percent.

The news is not as good for senior rates and there are both strengths and weaknesses that contribute to the 41 ranking out of all 52 states. Some strengths that help are an abundance of home health care providers, a low amount of full-mouth tooth extraction, and a low amount of poor mental health days which has decreased by 24 percent. However, some challenges include a low amount of high quality beds in nursing homes, a large amount of food insecurity which has increased by 8 percent this year, and a high prevalence of inactivity physically which has increased by 35 percent. Some other statistics to take note of include that decrease by 17 percent of hip fracture hospitalizations and an increase of chronic drinking by 59 percent.

CPR Certification in San Antonio, Texas

Being certified in CPR would be a good thing to achieve with the 33rd rank in cardiovascular related deaths, low amount of physical activity, smoking rates, and infant mortality rate. While some of these statistics have gotten better for the state, they could improve even further with an increased CPR certification in San Antonia, Texas. For healthcare professionals as well as residents in the area, CPR programs can be found through SafeNowCPR. There is 100% online training available where you can learn at you own pace and learn some helpful ways to help both patients and loved ones.

Local San Antonio Hospitals

Methodist Hospital
7700 Floyd Curl Dr
San Antonio, TX 78229

This is a general medical and surgical hospital and they have almost performed at the nationally ranked level according to the U.S. News best hospitals in two adult specialties. They have 1,604 beds and a trauma center.

Baptist Medical Center
111 Dallas St
San Antonio, TX 78205

A general medical and surgical hospital with 1,527 beds, they are accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF). They also have a trauma center.

South Texas Veterans Healthcare System
7400 Merton Minter Blvd.
San Antonio, TX 78229

A teaching hospital, they have 838 beds in this location. They are a general medical and surgical hospital. They are also accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF).

Santa Rosa Hospital
333 N Santa Rosa St
San Antonio, TX 78207

A general medical and surgical hospital in the San Antonio area. There are 766 beds in this hospital. There is a trauma center located in this hospital.

San Antonio Skills Evaluators

Lickert, Johnna
11706 Peach Crossing, San Antonio, TX 78023

Nerios, Joe
5941 Crooked Creek, Corpus Christi, TX 78414

Sabrina, Lawrence
2600 Via Fortuna Drive, Sutie 260, Austin, TX 78746

Ellingsberg, Kyle
2600 Via Fortuna, Suite 260, Austin, TX 78746

Gerner, Joal
401 Place And Fm 351, Beeville, TX 78102

Arnold, Trevor
214 N. Mt. Auburn, Goliad, TX 77963

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