Certification for Infant CPR

Learn the techniques and skills for performing proper infant CPR at SafeNowCPR. Courses are 100% online and certification is nationally accepted.

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Infant CPR Certification Online for Professionals and Parents

CPR for infants has the highest demand of all forms of CPR, and rightfully so. Infants are particularly prone to cardiac arrest due to the risk of choking on objects and drowning, therefore understanding when and how to give CPR is critical in an emergency situation involving an infant. The American Heart Association classifies an infant as 12 months old or younger where anyone over the age of 1 should receive child CPR and anyone beyond puberty should receive adult CPR. Whether you are a professional looking for certification, a caretaker doing your due diligence, or a concerned parent making sure you are ready for any situation, SafeNowCPR’s infant CPR classes are meticulously prepared to clearly define all the necessary actions in successfully performing the skill on an infant.

Our Infant CPR Courses Include

  • Important terminology and definitions
  • Assessing the situation
  • Performing each CPR skill
  • How to help a choking infant
  • How to combine your skills and execute effective CPR
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Certification for Infant CPR

Performing CPR on an infant is much different than if performed on a child or adult and requires a more delicate and finesse approach. That said, CPR should only be performed by someone who has been certified for infant CPR as the rules for child and/or adult CPR do not translate to infants. SafeNowCPR infant certification is only granted when students pass our comprehensive exams with a test score of 85% or higher. We value the education and retention of course material for our students and insure that by allowing access to your course material indefinitely once you’ve enrolled in any of our courses.

If you are interested in learning more CPR skills, visit our CPR courses section to review your options. We also offer basic life support certification for healthcare professionals to cover your certification required by employers.

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